Monday, May 16, 2011

Friendship 12.20.09

Put up
thorns, bolts,
barbed wired fences
and posts that read "No trespassers allowed"
vexed rottweilers ready at the other side of the fence,
for any sign of break in-
this along with every other kind of security system
kept in place
to keep out all intruders

No trespassers allowed,
No trespassers allowed in

Yes, you saw all of this
but you didn't care,
you didn't flinch
I thought my well defended fortress,
my icy exterior would frighten you away
but your love stood immune

You broke into this well guarded fortress,
not with force, but with every inch of love showed
You withstood my attack, you withstood my silence,
my ice

You broke in
by just being there
My defenses-
disarmed, dismantled, disabled

You broke into this well guarded fortress
You didn't care
You didn't flinch

You caught me
Your love, a proud flag,
standing immune