Saturday, April 3, 2010

If I Were...

if i were a month i’d be may

if i were a day i’d be friday

if i were a time of day i’d be sunset

if i were a font i’d be italics

if i were a sea animal i’d be a mermaid

if i were a direction i’d be southeast

if i were a piece of furniture i’d be a loveseat

if i were a liquid i’d be cafe con leche

if i were a gemstone i’d be turquoise

if i were a tree i’d be a weeping willow

if i were a flower i’d be an amazonian orchid

if i were an element of weather i’d be a raging thunderstorm

if i were a musical instument i’d be a cello

if i were a color i’d be black on some days and purple on others

if i were an emotion i’d be passion

if i were a fruit i’d be pineapple

if i were a sound i’d be the tinkle of indian payals

if i were a car i’d be a jaguar

if i were a food i’d be basmati rice

if i were a place i’d be santorini

if i were material i’d be soft

if i were a taste i’d be bittersweet

if i were a scent i’d be lavendar and vanilla

if i were a body part i’d be hands

if i were a song i’d be "i want to know what love is" (mariah's version)

if i were a bird i’d be a swan that was once ugly duckling

if i were a gift i’d be hard to unwrap

if i were a door i’d have only one key

if i were a pair of shoes i’d be anything that oozes sexy

if i were a piece of writing i'd be a poem